I figured most Broncos fans would be embarrassed by the fact their players accused the Cowboys of playing too hard in their 31-20 preseason victory Saturday. Turns out I was wrong.
Some of you guys joined the whine festival that began in the Broncos post-game locker room and spilled into a Denver Post game story that led with the words "Those Dallas Cowboys must be proud."
In response to all the criticism, Phillips has promised to hold up a homemade sign that reads, "We're Coming!" before each blitz the next time the Broncos come to town.
Phillips seemed hurt by the suggestion that he took advantage of his former team as he ripped open a bag of Gummi Bears. In a moment of rare candor, Phillips blurted, "They blitzed us, too. We picked it up."
I'm sure the league enjoyed hearing Broncos safety John Lynch talk about the unwritten rule of not going all out during preseason since this isn't reflected in ticket prices.
I'll be interested to see if Phillips issues a formal apology today for his team's overzealous behavior Saturday night. And a special thanks to my Broncos audience for driving up our traffic.